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Monday - Friday 09:00AM - 17:00PM
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April 2024

Ashram Within / 2024 / April

Enhancing Emotional Intelligence at Work: The Intersection of Mindfulness and Soft Skills Development

In an era marked by rapid technological evolution and an increasingly complex corporate landscape, the need for emotional intelligence (EQ) within the workplace has never been more profound. EQ, the ability to perceive, evaluate, and respond to both one’s own emotions and those of others, is now recognized as a critical component for success in modern business environments. However, the question arises: how can organizations cultivate a culture where emotional understanding and soft skills development thrive? Enter the principles of the ashram – a place synonymous with peace, mindfulness, and self-discovery. The very essence of an ashram lies in creating a sanctuary that promotes personal growth through introspection and serenity. This is where Ashram, our company, draws inspiration, providing an innovative solution to the contemporary workplace...


The Work Times: The Science of Sanctuary – Creating Your Personal Ashram for Ultimate Stress Relief

In the hustle and bustle of the modern work environment, where the ticking of the clock echoes the racing of hearts under stress, there is an ever-growing need for a sanctuary, a place of refuge where one can recalibrate and find peace. The ancient concept of an 'ashram,' a spiritual hermitage or a monastery, has found new relevance in today's high-pressure workspaces. The Work Times is pioneering this transition, integrating ancient wisdom with modern science to create 'Ashram-in-a-Box' kits that are not only easy to understand but are backed by scientific research to offer proven stress relief and anxiety reduction.The concept of an ashram is centered on creating a space that is conducive to the growth of the individual—spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. In its traditional...


Rebranding Sanctuary: How ‘The Work Times’ Can Redefine Workplace Wellness

In the cacophony of the modern work environment, where deadlines loom large and digital notifications are incessant, it's increasingly difficult for employees to find a sanctuary of tranquility and focus. Enter 'The Work Times,' a bold initiative aimed at disrupting the corporate wellness paradigm by integrating the ancient serenity of ashrams with the latest in scientific well-being. As we delve into the intersection of branding and workplace wellness, let's explore the strategic placement of 'The Work Times' as not just a product but a revolutionizing movement that redefines the modern work environment. In the current wellness industry, a trend towards personalized, holistic approaches to health and well-being is evident. Brands that can blend tradition with innovation often stand out, and this is where 'The Work...
